
About Shawn
From a life-long interest in technology, Shawn Lemon got hired at Apple for the iPhone launch and worked there for 7 years. It was the platform he used to launch The Digital Organizer, the go-to organization company to get your digital assets under control and teach your staff how to stay organized. Outside of the organization world, Shawn’s a thrill seeker and enjoys downhill skateboarding, surfing, and riding motorcycles which helps him understand and love the high stakes of business and what you have to get right. To wind down, he loves making pottery in his home studio, reading, and spending time with his wife Madeline, and their son, Nico.

notable guest interviews

Beyond the To-Do-List
In our conversation, we dive deep into the importance and power of digital organizing discussing how it can positively impact both your personal and professional life. In addition we address the knock on effects of disorganization and clutter...

Business Made Simple
The enemy of clarity is chaos and confusion. Not only is that true in your marketing and messaging, it’s true in your everyday work. But how many times have you or your team misplaced an important file, been locked out of a vital platform, or even discovered a digital asset you thought you owned was actually never yours to begin with? That kind of chaotic disorganization can bring any business to a halt.

Systemize Your Life
Navigating the complexities of digital organization can be daunting and why I’m so thrilled to bring you an interview with Shawn Lemon, the CEO of The Digital Organizer. Shawn's expertise in digital organization can supercharge your productivity.

Questions Shawn is always ready to answer
Why do you think people have a hard time getting traction organizing their stuff? This isn’t rocket science, yet so many people struggle with their digital space.
One of the reasons a lot of people don’t spend time organizing is because they can’t see the value in it. What does organizing your stuff make possible?
How do you determine the solution for someone or is it pretty much all the same?
How do people get control of their Google accounts? So many people have files spread across all their different accounts.
What is the most frequent challenge clients bring to you?
How does AI play into this?
How does this affect the team and make them want to stay?
How does this play into onboarding and offboarding?
Why should I bother organizing when search is getting so good?
One of the things you talk about on your site is creating digital workspaces that minimize distractions, what does that look like?
Why should I bother organizing when search is getting so good?
Is this like the digital version of home organizing? Are you the Marie Condo of the digital world?
Do you have a whole system, or are you tackling aspects of people’s world individually?
How do we train staff to maintain a system and keep it organized long-term?
How do you handle shiny object syndrome where you’re constantly switching apps to find the best one?
I imagine this could take a ton of time to organize. Am I overestimating the time or do you have some magic to speed up the process?
When your data is spread out on multiple storage platforms or to-do apps, how do you get control of them? What should we be using?
When businesses are scaling, they’re bringing people on quickly and training isn’t always as good as it should be. How do you create and maintain a system that everyone can follow along?
Themes & Topics
"Naming to Win: Why Your File Naming Convention Matters"
"Avoiding the Name Game: Strategies for Effective DigitalNaming Conventions"
"AI: The Future of Digital Organization or Just Hype?"
“Prepping Your Digital House for AI: A Primer on Streamliningfor the Future"
"Beyond Duplication: Streamlining Your File Structure for Efficiency"
"How Redundancy in Digital File Structures is Crippling YourEfficiency"
"The Digital Clutter Nightmare: How Hoarding is UnderminingYour Digital Efficiency"
"From Digital Hoarder to Digital Order: Strategies for Cleaningup Your Tech Space"
"The Shiny Object Syndrome: How Chasing New Tools CanDerail Efficiency"
"Master Your Tools: Why How Matters More Than What inDigital Organization"
"Streamlined Marketing: How Organizing Your Digital AssetsCan Accelerate Your Campaigns"
"Asset Chaos: Common Pitfalls in Marketing AssetManagement and How to Avoid Them"
"Crafting Digital Communication Channels: Streamline TeamInteractions for Success"
"Say It Right: Tailoring Communication Strategies in DigitalWorkspaces"
"Built to Scale: Structuring Your Startup’s Digital Backbone forGrowth"
"From Chaos to Clarity: Streamlining Your Startup's Tech Stackfor Scalable Success"
"One Ring to Rule Them All? The Pros and Cons of All-In-OneDigital Tools""Unpacking Notion: When and How to Use All-In-One Tools"
"Lost in the Drive: Common Mistakes in Using Google Driveand How to Avoid Them"
"Drive Safely: Best Practices for Utilizing Google Workspace"
"The Organized Campaign: How Digital Structuring ElevatesYour Marketing Efforts"
"Digital Declutter: Boosting Campaign Performance byStreamlining Your Marketing Tech Stack"
"Digital Wellness: Preventing Burnout Through OrganizedDigital Workspaces"
"Avoiding Digital Overwhelm: Strategies for StreamliningWorkflows in Startups"