The Essentials of Digital Organization
You know that feeling when you can't find your keys just when you need them the most? Frustrating, isn't it? Now, think of your digital life. Got the same feeling? Most people do. Let’s change that.
Being digitally organized isn't about perfection, but consistency. It's not just about knowing where things go, but making the habit of putting them there. And here's the kicker - it's not as hard as you might think.
Here's a three-step plan to start with:
- Pick a platform: Think Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud, local storage - choose one and stick to it like glue.
- Prioritize: Clear out the digital cobwebs and focus on what you need.
- Break up with digital hoarding: Just because you can doesn’t mean you should save everything.
Remember, the key here is consistency using the same thing and putting stuff in the same place. The perfect app doesn’t exist. Figure out how to use the tools you have well. Only then will you realize what feature you REALLY need that would make the difference in your day-to-day activity.
Stick with it and you'll see results. And as always, hit reply and let me know what you think. Better yet, book a call to say hi and get some free advice!